Shereen Hoban Coaching (LTD)

{Shereen Hoban Coaching (LTD)}{Longcroft House 2 – 8 Victoria Avenue London EC2M 4NS}{London}{EC2M 4NS}{United Kingdom}{07966 503775}
Longcroft House 2 – 8 Victoria Avenue EC2M 4NS London,
Phone: 07966 503775

1-1 Executive COACHING

If you’re ambitious, talented and professionally motivated, then my 1:1 Executive & Career Coaching is for you.

We’ll work closely together to power up your professional potential and build your leadership confidence so you can achieve the promotion, work-life balance or that career climax that you’ve always had in your sights. I’ll give you the tools, support and coaching you need, to make it happen.

Designed to help working professionals and those in the corporate space, this bespoke programme is delivered in a one-to-one format to help you realise your goals.

Book a call to find out more


“My coaching equips you with the precise practical tools you need to get you where you want to be.”

Leaders, let's refine your journey. You’ve achieved remarkable heights, but the path ahead demands more than persistence; it requires precision and strategy. Coaching doesn’t just keep you aligned with your goals; it propels you forward, blending accountability with strategic insights to ensure you’re not just moving, but advancing with intention.

At a pivotal career moment? Opportunity thrives at crossroads. Together, we’ll cut through uncertainty to chart a course that’s distinctly yours, empowering you with the clarity and conviction to take decisive steps forward.

Leading and managing with purpose? Your role goes beyond overseeing projects and guiding teams. It’s about deepening your impact through refined leadership skills. We focus on amplifying your influence, ensuring your leadership not only inspires but transforms, fostering a culture of excellence and collaboration.

Vision and mission need sharpening? It’s time to bring them into laser focus. Your ability to project a compelling vision and embody your mission is paramount. We bolster your confidence, enabling you to articulate and execute your vision with unwavering clarity and impact.

Navigating pressures and challenges? Resilience is your secret weapon. Together, we craft strategies that not only enhance your resilience but also transform challenges into opportunities for growth, allowing you to lead with agility and strength.

Aiming for rapid career progression? Let’s accelerate your trajectory. My approach is designed to boost your growth, ensuring your journey upward is both swift and sustainable, setting new benchmarks without compromising your well-being.

Under pressure to perform? We redefine your relationship with stress, turning it from a burden into a catalyst for success. By mastering techniques to excel under pressure, you transform high-stake moments into your most triumphant achievements.

Reigniting your passion? Rediscover what drives you. We’re here to help you break free from stagnation, unlocking your potential and reigniting your enthusiasm for your career, ensuring your work continues to be a source of fulfilment and pride.

Setting boundaries and communicating effectively? These are the cornerstones of transformative leadership. We empower you to establish clear boundaries and master the art of communication, ensuring you can lead your team to peak performance. It’s about creating an environment where everyone knows their role, feels valued, and is aligned towards a common goal. Effective leadership means not just talking but engaging, not just instructing but empowering, ensuring your team operates at its best through respect, clarity, and mutual understanding.

1:1 Executive and Career Coaching:


No matter what you’re aiming for, to achieve results your mind has to be in the right place. That’s why our journey together starts by looking at your headspace. We’ll work on supercharging your confidence, building your resilience and going deep with mindfulness work and meditation, equipping you with the skills you need to thrive. 

 We’ll examine the thought processes that are holding you back and you’ll learn to hone practical mindfulness techniques to manage stress, while wellbeing meditations will sharpen your focus. 

Headspace for happiness


As well as the right mindset, to achieve your goals you may need practical tools; from an understanding of how to plan for success and the process involved in achieving that success, to a strategy that will make it happen. I’ll equip you with support and exercises that you can put into practice straight away. These will cover everything from leadership, strategies for raising your personal impact and methods for staying motivated at the top. We’ll can also look at positioning yourself for promotion and the secrets of game-changing communication. 

Tools for success


Wellbeing is vital when it comes to being a high achiever, because if success isn’t making you feel good, it can’t truly be called success. During our time together we’ll also be focusing on how to ensure holistic harmony between your work life and your personal life, so you can achieve balance and synchronicity; elements that are proven to be key to happiness. From avoiding burnout to minimising stress to fostering the right support network, I’ll work with you to build a positive career that’s in line with your values, strengths and skills.

The right balance

Do you want to understand what’s holding you back and what you can change to bring about faster success?


Do you want to master your confidence and feel more capable?


Do you have big ambitions but don’t know where to focus your energy?


Do you want to understand what’s holding you back and what you can change to bring about faster success?


Do you want to master your confidence and feel more capable?


Do you want to achieve your career goals more quickly, without the overwhelm? 


Can you answer yes to any of the following?

1:1 Executive & Career Coaching Checklist:


Each 1:1 Coaching journey is unique and tailored to your professional and personal goals. We’ll work together using my tried and trusted formula of practical and analytical techniques alongside a holistic coaching approach. This blended programme ensures maximum results for both your career and your inner wellbeing. I’ll keep you action-focused and give you a fresh perspective on your strengths and opportunities, while challenging you to be the best you can be. 

Throughout our time together, we’ll work on your confidence and mindset, your strategic approach to work and how to achieve synchronicity between each area of your life. My 360-degree methodology ensures confidence, clarity, happiness and success. 

Are you ready for success?

We’ll end with an intensive review of your 1:1 Executive & Career Coaching, where you’ll have a map setting out your next steps following the end of our time together.

You’ll be granted access to my library of coaching resources, professional development and wellbeing workbooks.

Unlimited email support between video calls and check in phone calls as required.

You’ll create a bespoke professional strategy and plan.

We’ll have 60 minute personalised coaching video call on a time-frame to suit you.

We start with a pre-coaching workbook to fill in so I can understand your professional ambitions and history, before we start working together.

You’ll have all the support you need to realise your absolute potential. I’ll give you my undivided attention because I’m as invested as you are in your success.

How does it work?


Let's chat to see if we are a good fit.

"In less than 6 months we have completely changed the focus of my business, and not only turning it into a legit business but also ensuring my business supports my personal goals."

"After working with Shereen, my team are motivated, valued and engaged, you couldn’t ask for a better ROI."

"My time working with Shereen had been invaluable to moving me on from a very troubled place to a completely new and positive situation in a remarkably short time."

"Not only is Shereen clearly knowledgeable but she also works with heart, with a real wish for your success. Having a coach like Shereen is a great investment for your success!"

"Shereen helped me to validate my ideas, better understand why I was moving in a certain direction, how to move beyond and that and most of all that I wasn’t alone in the work. ”"

"I felt as though, for the first time in years, someone listened to me without judgement. There was no template with Shereen’s work; it felt personal and tailor-made to my own unique situation."